Electric Jungle from Stage Manager Jasmine
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Inspiration love movement warp wrap tie tether together something sending experience and connection under with inside on top of direction supersonic inflection contrived under contract of love above whispers of havewewehave thought brought to score between bars within bars exploration in limitation noted. Rocking popping slee carpocking stopping silence. Beginning. Understanding. Grand expanding though the mouth guided hands led feet tapping toes to a beat to the beat schwa broken to our beat. Motion with reason questions answered. Expandered defined shared. Music. Load in space this space bar handed bass back in place back sweat scribble break daily daily daily drivel simple. Anti-anti pro-pranti enter anti welcome family. Seated experience grants permission to live to sigh to breathe to tap to cry to scream to sneeze to seize today to be okay with yesterday and understand tomorrow’s ready. Tick tick tick tock, tick tick tick tock, enough sound to find song in under with time through time we space jungle wild unknown dust crust home street city lost without light dark without the electric. The music. Guiding through heart jungle soul jungle human hunger jungle clear wipe expanswer tzing zee electricity. Guided tour unlike the ride before to here to home to here to home just like. Hearseefeel move. Electric Jungle.
-Jasmine Kojouri(Stage Manager extraordinaire)